A Standup Desk – It’s Good For Your Health

A Standup desk is not a new thing for most people. They have been around for many years. But it’s after realising the benefits of these desks offer that they have become popular. So, what are the major benefits making people go for standup desks?

Before we go to the health benefits of, let’s first understand what standing desks are. These are types of desks that allow you to adjust the height to work when sitting and standing.

So, what kind of health benefits can you get from a standing desk? Well, in this article, we have put together five major health benefits linked to these desks. They include:

Reduced Back Pains

back pain of business person

If your work requires spending most of the time sitting, you are likely to strain your back and neck muscles. That’s why most people working in the office complain of back pain. The problem is caused by poor posture, such as slouching, and prolonged sitting hours.

Standing desks helps to reduce back pains by enabling the user to stand when working. So, instead of sitting for long hours, you can adjust your desk height to work while standing. This gives you the room to stretch and relax your back muscles. That’s how you relieve pressure in your back to reduced back pains.

Lower Blood Sugar levels

A sedentary lifestyle is the number one leading cause of diabetes. Unfortunately, this is the kind of life most people are leading today. A good example is office workers. We know the blood sugar level increases after a meal. If you have no way of dealing with the high sugar levels in the blood, then it puts you at risk of becoming diabetic.

Studies shows that workers who stand after a meal have lower blood sugar levels compared to those who sit. You don’t have to do anything apart from standing while working. Just adjust your standup desk height and work while standing.

The amount of time you spend standing is equal to the risk reduction of becoming diabetic. The longer you stand, the lower is the level of blood sugar.

Lower Risk of Heart Diseases

reduce heart diseases

Studies show that people working while standing have a lower risk of heart diseases compared to those sitting the whole day. This study was done on bus conductors who stand most of the time and drivers.

The same scenario is in our working situations. If you spend most of the day sitting at your desk, the risk of heart diseases is higher than a person who spends time standing. So, with a standup desk, you will be able to reduce the amount of sitting time. That’s how these desks lower the risk of heart diseases.

Lowers Risk of Weight Gain and Obesity

There is a reason why people sitting in offices adds more weight than those who walk or stand most of the day. When sitting, your body requires little energy to function. That’s not the same with standing or moving around.

Studies have shown that by just standing for an hour, you can burn an extra 50 calories. This means standing for 3 hours a day will help you burn 150 calories. That’s a lot of calories in a week enough to make you fat. That’s how adjustable height desk can help lower the risk of weight gain and obesity.

Improves Your Mood

standup desk

Another health benefit of you get from standup desk is to improve mood, especially at work. Sitting for long hours is linked to increased anxiety and depression. That’s because a sedentary lifestyle reduces the production of happy hormones.

By sitting and standing, you’ll be able to distract stressing and depressing thought. Standing makes the body a bit active hence triggering secretion of happy hormones. That’s how standing desks can help to improve your mood.

If you were wondering whether to buy a standup desk or not, here are the reasons why you should. There are many health benefits you will be getting from these desks. With improved mood comes high productivity and longer life. So, it’s time to replace that old desks with a quality adjustable height desk.

Source: https://heightadjustableworktable.com/blogs/news/standup-desk

Using A Standing Desk – Should You Stand All Day?

Now that you have bought a new standing desk or about to get one, how should you use it? Should you stand all day? Absolute not. Standing for long hours is not good for your health.

But what’s the proper way of using standing desks? Well, if you are buying these desks for the first time, this article is for you. We have put together interesting facts as to why you need to moderate your standing time.

Here is everything you need to know about the proper use of standing desks. But let’s start with why you shouldn’t stand the whole day.

Why You Shouldn’t Stand Too Much

The fact that they are called standing desks does not mean you stand all day. It will be harmful to your health. These desks are simply designed to help users get rid of a sedentary lifestyle.

So, they enable you to avoid sitting for long hours, hence alleviating health problems associated with sedentary life. Standing for too long can cause lower back pains and discomforts in lower limbs problems. By standing for long hours, you make your legs to carry all your weight body. This will cause problems on your leg’s muscles, varicose veins and tendons. Standing too much also hamper circulation in your legs and feet. That’s what causes the discomfort.

Standing for too long also exposed your lower back more pressure due to the upper body weight. Your lower back muscles and tendon will be carrying more weight of the upper body than they are supposed to. That’s why you should alternate between sitting and standing. It helps to reduce pressure on the lower body and also improve circulation in the legs.

Alternate Between Standing and Sitting

businessman working in office work

Sitting too much is what standing desks are designed to alleviate. But that does not mean that you also stand all day. As mentioned above, you might end up exposing yourself to severe health complications. So, one of the safety rules of using these desks is avoiding standing for long hours.

It’s recommended that you alternate between sitting and standing. This is to reduce the impact of too much sitting and too much standing. You can develop your own sit/stand schedule depending on the kind of job that you do. But what is the recommend alternation ration?

The best Sit/Stand Alternation Ratio

To get the most out of your standing desk, you need to get the sit and stand alternation timing correct. You need to know the intervals at which you should be seated or standing. Whereas everyone can have a schedule that suits them the best, a ratio of one hour of standing and one or two hours sitting is the most ideal.

Therefore, you can work while sitting for 30 minutes and stand for the next 30 minutes. Similarly, you can sit for one hour and stand for the next 30 minutes. With either of the two, you can enjoy the full health benefits of adjustable height desks.

But depending on the kind of job that you do, you can have a tailored alternating ratio. If you work the best when sitting, then make sitting hours longer. But if you produce more when standing, making sitting hours shorter. This would plan would ensure that your productivity is not being affected.

Adjust To Ergonomic Setting

man using a standing desk

Don’t forget to get the ergonomic setting of these desks right for you to get maximum benefits. Most of the health problems such as back pains are caused by slouching when working on the desk. So, get the right height when sitting as well as standing.

The monitor should be straight directly to your face. Make sure that your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. The surface of the desk should reach the bottom of your forearm. That’s what ergonomic setting of the standing desk is all about.

To get the most out of your standing desk, have an effective sit/stand alternation ratio. Don’t sit too much and don’t stand for too long. Make sure that your desk is always adjusted to the ergonomic setting. Lastly, buy a reputable standing desk brand to enjoy maximum benefits.

Source: https://heightadjustableworktable.com/blogs/news/standing-desks

Reduce Your Chance of Obseity with a Standing Desk

Ever wondered why today we have a very number of obese people? Well, many factors are contributing to this problem. But sedentary lifestyle is one of the little-known culprits of obesity. Do you sit at your workstation for long hours? If yes, be careful because you’re a candidate for obesity.

The good news is that there are smart ways you can avoid getting obese from your desk. You just need to invest in a standing desk, also known as height adjustable desk. But how does sitting for a long time make you fat?

How Sitting Too Much Makes You Obese

Sitting for long hours in the office makes you obese in several ways. Studies have shown that when seated, the body uses a small amount of energy to function. This means most of the food you eat is not broken down to energy but instead stored as fat. This means adding weight in the long run.

Let’s say you’ve been sitting in the office from morning to evening for a whole month. It means the body converts some of the consumed calories into fat, which is stored in the body. If you do this repeatedly for a whole month, your body will have stored a lot of fat. By the end of the year, you will have added a lot of weight. You’ll be overweight or obese with a year of sitting in the office.

Another way sitting too much can make you obese is because of lipase enzyme. This is the enzyme that burns body fat. The enzyme is triggered by your body when you get active. When seated for long hours, the enzyme will click off; hence less far is burnt. That’s another way you add weight.

How A Standing Desk Reduces the Risk of Obesity

Research has found that standing burns more calories than when seated. What sit-stand desks do is help break your sedentary work life. They make it possible to work while sitting and standing. Even without changing your diet, standing while working will help keep you slim.

The desk’s height adjustment features allow you to set a comfortable height while standing. You can choose to stand and work or do some exercises when standing. Even moving your lower limb and stretching, it will make a huge difference. It means you will be burning more calories when standing. That’s one of the ways these desks help to reduce the risk of obesity.

It’s also important to remember that standing triggers lipase enzyme. We already know the crucial function the hormone has to reduce the risk of obesity. By replacing your old desk with the standing variety, you will help activate the enzyme. That’s another way these desks can help reduce the chances of obesity.

Studies have also shown that standing helps to improve your digestion. There is a big relationship between poor digestion and weight gain. When you sit for long hours, your digestive health does not function optimally. By standing, your digestive system is improved, which reduces the chances of gaining weight.

These are some of the ways that a standing desk can help reduce the chances of obesity. But breaking your sedentary lifestyle is the most important thing. But you need a good standing desk.

Selecting Standing Desk

To get maximum benefits from the standing desk, you need to get the right one. There are many varieties to select from including electric and manual adjustment height standing desk. For ease of use, go for the electric types. They are more convenient and easier to use.

standing desks

The quality of the desk is another essential factor to consider. This is a piece of equipment you will be using for a long time. So, get premium quality even if it will cost you more. Check the quality of the material, including the tabletop and the metal stands.

Standing desks are very crucial if you have a sedentary lifestyle. With these desks, you can avoid being obese without compromising your productivity. The desk will not only help reduce the risk of obesity but also other conditions associated with a sedentary lifestyle. But you need to get the best brand of a standing desk to enjoy these benefits.

Source: https://heightadjustableworktable.com/blogs/news/reduce-obseity-with-a-standing-desk

Can Ergonomic Chairs Help Back Pain?

Living with back pain is one of the most frustrating things. The pain will not only make you uncomfortable but also limit you from giving your best at work. But the biggest obstacle for people living with back pain is knowing how to deal with the problem.

With so much advice and approaches on ways to deal with back pain, it can get a bit confusing. In this article, we’ve put together ways ergonomic chairs can help get rid of back pain.

What Causes Back Pain?

Back pain mostly comes from the kind of work we do. In most cases, individuals who spend most of their time seated in the office are the main victims. But what most people pain don’t understand is what causes the problem. That’s why they unknowingly continue to make the condition worse every day. Poor posture is the number one cause of back pain.

Poor posture occurs when your body back is made to bend in an unnatural position for a longer time. Whether you are standing or sitting, you need to maintain a neutral posture. That’s how you to avoid stressing your back muscles. But, sitting all day is usually the main cause of back pain. If you sit for long hours in a simple office chair, then you will have to lean forward or to slouch backward. This will cause stress in your shoulders, arms, legs, back muscles, as well as spinal discs. That’s what causes back pain.

With a good ergonomic office chair, you will be able to avoid the slouching problem when working. These chairs are designed with user body in mind. With adjustable height, back and headrest, you will be able to reduce stress on back muscles. You can also set your sitting position at eye level with your PC display and elbows at 90° with the keyboard. That’s how these chairs help to prevent back pain as well as getting rid of the problem.

How To Choose A Chair For Back Pain?

The reality is that most of the modern job requires spending most of the time seated. The only thing you can do is finding a way to deal with long hours sitting problems. The best approach is finding a perfect chair for back pain. These are chairs that will help you get fix posture issue by providing lumbar support. The chair must also allow all adjustability features crucial to addressing posture problem.

When selecting an office chair, the most important feature you need to look for is the back support. So, select a chair design that decreases strain on the shoulder, neck and back. This will result in less pressure on the ligaments and muscles supporting the spine. That’s simply how these chairs treat back pain.

The choice of the office chair for back pain will depend on your specific needs. But the core principle when choosing these chairs remains the same. For example, a good office chair should allow you to adjust lumbar support for better comfort. It should also allow for ease of movement in the office.

Apart from the adjustability, look for other factors such as the model, material, and so on. But the choice you select must ensure pain-free and comfortable working environment.

The Best Ergonomic Chair For Back Pain

There is no one super chair for back pain. That’s we all are different. What will work for you may not be the best for the other person. What makes the best ergonomic chair is the user’s specific needs. This includes the nature of back pain, your work and other factors. These are the most effective approaches to getting a perfect ergonomic chair.

How Our Ergonomic Office Chairs Relieve Back Pain

If you are struggling with back pain, our ergonomic office chairs might be the solution. These chairs offer flexibility to make even micro-adjustments for better comfort and posture.

Try our OCD Ergonomic Task Chair. The model allows you to adjust seat and armrest heights as well as a 270-degree backrest rotation. For the right posture, its backrest can recline and tilt to allow you to find a perfect back position for your body. The chair is capable of tilting 28 degrees, and the 4 locks ensure that you can find a comfortable position.

The Hartley Ergonomic Office Chair is another good chair for back pain. The model offers 39 degrees of tilt angle backrest to adjust for lumbar support. This makes it more effective for people with serious back problems. The stylish design and the mesh backrest make this model ideal for office use.

Our third ergonomic office chair is the Luminous Ergonomic Office Chair. The model offers more improved features with 5 lock positions to adjust support. You will like the contour design that helps keeps your spine in a neutral position. The Omega model is designed to last longer with a powder-coated matte aluminum frame.

Stools Help Strengthen Your Back

Keeping your back pain-free should also include strengthening its muscles and ligaments. Stools are designed for this purpose. They work by strengthening your back and core. They allow for sideways, forward, backward, up and down moves with the help of a spring tension mount. That’s how these stools help to reduce the risk of stiff and strained back muscles.

You should have swopper stool alongside an office ergonomic chair. As the ergonomic chair reduce strain on back muscles, the stool keeps them stronger. This would be a perfect combo for a healthy work environment.

Try Our Ergonomic Chair Today

If you have been having back problems or you want to prevent them, get an ergonomic chair – We can help get a perfect ergonomic chair!

Source: https://heightadjustableworktable.com/blogs/news/ergonomic-chairs-help-back-pain

Creating The Perfect Gaming Desk Setup

For a professional gamer, your desk setup is one of the most important things. A real gamer desk setup is nothing like the average desks. It’s a bit complex, and setting it up requires a higher level of strategy and design. From the PC display to the mouse, everything must be in the right place. That’s the only way you will be able to enjoy the ultimate gaming experience.

To find the best gaming desk setup, you need to work on the minor details. Look for small features that will make a huge impact on your gaming experience. Where you place the PC display, mouse, or coffee cup are some of the things that will make a difference. Similarly, the choice of a gaming desk and chair will determine your gaming success.

The good thing about setting up your ultimate gaming desk is that you don’t need special skills. You only need to understand how your body movement interacts with your gaming. You also need to understand why comfort and health are crucial factors. This is what we have for you in this article. To start off, here are key features you need to set up the perfect gaming desk for your space.

Sit-Stand Gaming Desks

man sitting on gaming chair

The desk is an important part of any gaming setup. Apart from the surface to place the gaming rig, a gaming desk is crucial in your gaming success. That’s why you can’t afford to get it wrong. Looking for the ideal desk is more than shopping for a basic table that doesnt wobble. You will need to look for key features such as comfort, size, level, and aesthetics.

An ideal gaming desk revolves around comfort and functionality. Considering that you will be spending many hours a day gaming, then comfort is king. So, a good desk should help you to get rid of pressure around the neck, back, and lower limbs due to long sitting hours.

Sit-stand desks are the best option for gamers because of the many health benefits they offer. With these desk types, you can game when standing and sitting. They offer several configurations. You can also customise them to fit your specific needs. For example, you can adjust the height to support the standing position. That’s what makes standing desk ideal for gamers. But you need to get the right desk size and quality.

If you are looking forward to shopping for the best sit-stand desk, the market has a range of varieties to choose from. But Height Adjustable Work Table is among the best brands in the market. We design height-adjustable gaming desks for all gamers’ levels. Whether you are a beginner or gaming at the pro level, we have something for you. With height adjustability, you’ll avoid back pain and other long hours sitting problems.

Studies show that standing helps to improve concentration levels. When gaming while standing, you may tend to perform better as your reasoning and problem solving skills could get a nice boost.

Ergonomic Gaming Chair

With the best standing gaming desk, the second thing to bring in the setup is a gaming chair. An ideal choice of gaming chair should revolve around comfort and functionality. It should also provide comfort due to prolonged sitting hours. Ergonomic chairs are the best options for gamers. These chairs are designed with the user’s body in mind hence the amazing features.

Look for quality and comfort in these gaming chairs for a better gaming experience. Fortunately, there is a vast range of ergonomic chairs in the market to select from. But the essential thing to keep in mind is the adjustability features. Check the armrest, headrest, back, and lumbar support adjustability. These are the most affected parts of the body by leaning and long sitting hours. You can find some quality choices in our chair collection.

Height adjustability is another feature to look for in an ergonomic gaming chair. So, go for a chair that suits your size. Don’t buy a chair meant for larger people if you have a small body and vice versa. Otherwise, you might buy an ergonomic chair that doesn’t help you.

Height Adjustable Work Table offers some of the best ergonomic chairs for gaming setups. The Omega ergonomic office chair works great for gamers. These chairs offer a full range of adjustments. The airflow mesh, 39 degrees of tilt backrest angle, and accessible levers are key features making these chairs ideal for gaming.

Ultimate Gaming Desk Setup Checklist

sit-stand desk

There are other things, apart from the desk and the chair, you need to add to your budget for ideal desk setup. These are accessories that will enhance your gaming experience. Here is the best gamer’s checklist:

Cable management system

If you want to increase your gaming productivity, you must keep your desk neat. Invest in a cable management system to help get rid of loose wires and cables. Get one from Height Adjustable Work Table.

Large mouse pad

Your mouse mobility must be very efficient for high gaming productivity. That’s why you need a mouse pad. Get a large pad so that you can move the mouse easily.

Mouse wire holder

Unless you are using a wireless mouse, you need a mouse wire holder. The holder will protect the wire from getting entangled hence messing up your game.

An air canister

Your gaming desk setup will be collecting dust and also crumbs from your snacking. That’s why you an air canister. It will help remove dust from your PC and crumbs that could damage your keyboard.

Portable hard drive

Some of the games require larger storage space, and your PC may not offer this capacity. That’s why you need a portable hard drive for storage.

Desk fan

When it gets hot during summer, you need a desk fan to keep and your PC cool. A USB fan would be the most ideal. They can connect to your computer USB port hence removing the need for extra cables.

LED Lights

LED lights will make your gaming desk set look nicer on a budget. Get your best colours for a personalised gaming environment.

A set of headphones

Some games will need audio listening, and that’s why you need a set of headphones. An expensive set will add a luxury feel to your setup.


Some games may not work well with the mouse and the keyboard. That’s why you need to bring a game controller.

Webcam and mic stand

These two accessories are crucial for group gaming platforms. They will also be great for streaming sites.

How To Set Up A Gaming Desk?

gaming desk

Getting your gaming desk steup right is pretty simple. Here are four main features that you need to look for when selecting your gaming desk:

Ideal Desk Surface

The choice of the surface should be more than aesthetics. You need to look for functionality and durability features. For instance, a glass surface looks great, but it will be difficult for a mouse track. It also breaks easily hence not durable. Besides that, a glass desk surface may not be sturdy enough to handle a large amount of weight. So, you need to consider the amount of weight the desk can handle to choose the right surface. Don’t forget that the surface should also be representing your style.


Buy a desk that will fit in your space without making it look crowded. If you have a small space, then go for a smaller desk. Maybe, getting a minimalist design for small spaces would be the best idea. If you have a more spacious room, go for the L-shaped desk or wide desk. A larger desk allows you to spread out your gaming apparatus for an efficient setup.

Comfort Is Priority

Comfort and health should be a priority when selecting a gaming desk. To hit peak gaming productivity, you must be comfortable with the whole setup. So, you need to get a desk that will offer the best comfort and health features. Sit-stand desks will never disappoint when it comes to these two features. The fact that you can continue gaming while standing will enhances your comfort.

Cable Management

The other feature to consider is cable management. Having wires all over the desk creates a lot of inefficiencies. That’s why you need to install an effective cable management system. At Height Adjustable Work Table, we have some of the best cable management systems for gamers.

How Do You Set Up A Gaming Desk Display?

The gaming desk display setup has a huge impact on your gaming experience. For maximum gaming productivity, you must find the right display. Figuring out the best position for your PC monitors is pretty important. That’s because it will change the entire gaming setup.

using computer on gaming desk

A perfect setup depends on the number of monitors you want to use. Whether you have a single or multi-monitor setup, there are various display options. If you have two monitors, placing them side by side is the most used setup. But you can also have one of the displays mounted on the wall and the gaming monitor placed directly in front of you.

To get the right display setup, you also need to check your mobility. Suppose you will be moving your monitor a lot. You will need to get a flexible mount as it allows for easy repositioning of the display. Place the primary display in front of you to avoid neck and back muscle strain. Place the monitor at arm-length to avoid straining muscles when repositioning it.

How Much Does A Decent Gaming Setup Cost?

The cost of gaming setup depends on what you need. If you’re looking for the basic setup, it will cost you less compared to a pro-gamer top-of-the-line setup. Everything from the desk, chair, and accessories will cost you around $500 AUD for the basic setup. A professional gaming setup will cost you around $1800 AUD.

So, the cost of a gaming setup is determined by the features you want. But there are ways you can keep the cost down and still enjoy the ultimate gaming experience. One of them is to avoid unnecessary accessories such as fancy headsets and so on. But don’t compromise on the quality of the gaming desk and chair. Get the best quality sit-stand desk and ergonomic chair. The two will help decrease problems associated with slouching and long sitting hours.

At Height Adjustable Work Table, we are specialists in production adjustable desks and chairs for an optimised gaming experience. Visit our site to select from our vast range of gaming desk setups. We have showrooms here in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Source: https://heightadjustableworktable.com/blogs/news/gaming-desk-setup

The Value of Standing Desks | This Is What Research Says

Sit-stand desks have to gain popularity in the last few years. From offices to gaming enthusiasts, most people are now going for these desks. But the main reason for this popularity is the many health benefits they offer. But in the recent past, there has been some confusion due to conflicting results on these desks.

But what does the research say about the value of sit-stand desks? That’s what we have covered for you later in this article. We’re going to find out if these desks are still among the best solutions to sedentary behaviours. Can they decrease the health risks associated with sitting for an extended period? That’s what we are going to look for in this article.

Evidence That Standing Desks Improve Our Health

Even with conflicting results, studies show that standing desks improve the user’s health. Most of the research work is based on the impact that long sitting hours have on humans. We all know the impact that sedentary behaviour can have on individuals’ health. It causes back pain and other posture-related problems.

height adjustable standing desk

Sitting for long hours at work and gaming are the common sedentary behaviours today. But with a desk with sit-stand combination, users can decrease long sitting hours. With these desks, users are able to stand when still working. Even without scientific studies, this fact alone shows the value of standing desks. But what does the research say?

Research Evidence on Standing Desk Value

Standing desk critics cite lack of evidence to support their health benefits. This is not true since there is a lot of evidence about these desks out there. But, the lack of large-scale, reliable studies to provide conclusive evidence is a fact. What we have are small sample sizes that cannot be relied on. But the smaller sample sizes are also very crucial in that they show the need for larger studies.

But we can rely on small reputable studies as evidence for the value of standing desks. The Centre for Disease Control is among scientific institutions that studied these desks. Though a small sample study. it provides evidence that sit-stand desks improve your health. The study claimed that sit-stand desks success in reducing employees’ sitting patterns. According to the study, standing desks can reduce sitting behaviours by as much as an hour in a day. Use of these desks also reduced neck and back pains and improved users’ moods.

The CDC study went ahead and noted that all gains vanished with the removal of sit-stand desks for two weeks. This means the user will enjoy the greatest benefits if they continue using these desks. But the bottom line is that they can help improve your health.

Use in Moderation

Even with all the evidence, how you use standing desks makes a huge difference. To get the most benefits out of these desks, you need to use them in moderation. The trick is to avoid sitting or standing for too long. That’s how you get a perfect balance of the forces acting on your body. When you stand, do some exercises such as stretching your legs to improve circulation. That’s how these desks will help you to get rid of sedentary work life.

sit stand desk

Standing for an extended period of time puts extra stress on your lower feet joints. That’s because of the pressure applied by your body weight. This means you will need sitting breaks to avoid lower joint problems. Similarly, sitting for long hours causes slouching or posture problems. So, you will need standing or sitting breaks to help keep the right good posture.

What Everyone Knows

Apart from scientific evidence, other sources can prove value of standing desks. Everyone knows is that a sedentary lifestyle has negative impacts on health. From the body to the mind, you will be unhealthy if you lead a sedentary life. Unfortunately, almost 85% of the world’s population leads to a sedentary lifestyle. That’s why diabetes, obesity and other lifestyle diseases are a major health issue.

Whether you’re working, or gaming, get a little bit active and decreasing sitting time. This will have a huge positive impact on your health. You will reduce the risk of health complications associated with sedentary behaviours. We also know that sitting for long hours causes loss of bone density, and decreased mobility. It can also cause stiff joints and poor circulation.

We also know that sitting for too long weakens your underused muscles. The legs and abdomen muscles are the most affected. When you develop weak muscles, you might lose balance, motion and physical appearance. Last but least is the impact long sitting hours can have to your brain. Without a fresh supply of oxygen and blood, your brain will slow down as well as the rest of the body. This causes increased anxiety, stress, and sometimes sleeping disorders such as insomnia. All these health risks have been found to decrease with the use of sit-stand desks.

Start with Small Bits

If you lead a sedentary life, even a little bit of changes in your lifestyle will improve your health. You need to start with small bits of changes for your body to get used to new work life. Studies have shown that standing two hours a day at work can raise your levels of good cholesterol. It can also lower your BMI by about 11%, makes your waist thinner and lower blood fat.

standing desk at office

Setting the alarm is the most efficient way to track your sit-standing program. The alarm will help to avoid sitting or standing for too long. That’s how you will get the most off your standing desks.

Final Verdict

Most studies, though small, shows a correlation between standing desks and healthy employees. These desks can decrease health problems associated with prolonged sitting hours. Even without large-scale scientific studies, there’s evidence standing desks can reduce sedentary behaviours. So, why should you wait for more extensive studies to decide whether to get a standing desk? Get one, and your health and productivity at work will never be the same.

Source: https://heightadjustableworktable.com/blogs/news/standing-desk

How To Choose The Best Office Chair

Finding the best chair for your office can be a little bit tricky. With the vast range of chair types, it easy to buy the wrong one. Getting an office chair that provides comfort, and still be within your budget can be a bit difficult. But you can still get the best fit if you look for the key features that make a good office chair.

Ergonomic office chairs are your best option. If you want to buy a perfect ergonomic office chair, this guide is for you. We have put together some of the best options and the key features to look for when buying.

What Make A Good Office Chair?

What makes a good office chair are the specific features that work for you. We are all different, and what’s good for you might not work for the other person. That’s why you need to look for personalised features that suit your needs. Among the key things you need to look for when selecting a good office chair is the back support.

An ideal chair should help you maintain a good posture while working to avoid neck and spine strain. That’s why you need an ergonomic office chair. These chairs grant you excellent flexibility to adjust sitting positions, among other features.

choosing an office chair

How To Select An Office Chair?

When it comes to choosing an office chair here in Australia, you have a vast range of options to pick from. What you need is to understand the basics that make a good office chair to get yourself a perfect one. Here are the main steps for selecting a perfect office chair:

Adjustable Lumbar Support

This is one of the most crucial features in an office chair. The lower back requires good support to prevent back pains. That’s why lumbar support is very crucial. With adjustable lumbar support, you can tilt the chair to an angle that suits you the best.

Adjustable Chair Height

Another crucial feature to look for in an office chair is the height adjustability. We all have different heights, but with this feature, you can adjust your chair to suit your needs. The feature enables you to maintain the right posture, especially if you are using a computer.

Chair Material

The choice of material is a crucial factor when buying an office chair. If you are sitting in the office for long hours, you don’t want a material that will get you sweating. Go for breathable fabrics because they will keep you cool. For example, the mesh office chair is an excellent choice for hot places

Adjustable Headrest

Not all office chairs come with a headrest, but if you need one, make sure it’s adjustable. A headrest helps to maintain a good posture by preventing the straining of the neck. It also allows you to set a position that relieves stress in the spine.

Adjustable Armrest

Any ergonomic chair must have the armrest, especially if you are using a computer. With adjustable armrest, you will be able to keep your arms relatively at 90 degrees to your keyboard. So, check the adjustability of the armrest.

Adjustable Backrest

An office chair must have an adjustable backrest to address the slouching problem. You should adjust the back to suit your needs. So, whichever model of the office chair you select, it must keep your back in a healthy position.

Waterfall Seat Edge

If you will be spending most of your time seated in the office, check for the water seat edge feature. The feature helps to relieve the pressure from your thighs as well as lower legs. Water seat edge also helps to improve circulation in the lower part of the body.

Castor Wheel for Mobility

A good office chair should enable you to move around the office without stress on your back. That’s why you need to look for castor oil wheels for mobility. These wheels remove the need to lean in unnatural positions when reaching things.

team in office sitting

What Is All The Fuss?

Ergonomic chairs have grown very popular due to the health many benefits they offer to the users. But what is an ergonomic chair? These are chairs designed with the human body in mind. Their design helps to improve the health of the user by promoting the right posture. If you work in the office for long hours, you need a chair that will make you feel comfortable and healthy. An ergonomic chair must have adjustable armrest, tilt, padded, headrest, and castor wheels. An adjustable lumbar support is another important feature for an ergonomic chair.

What Makes A Chair Ergonomic?

Unlike the typical chairs, the ergonomic types are a bit different in design. What makes these chairs unique is the design that takes into consideration the body of the user. But, the designs of these chairs may vary depending on what the user needs. For example, the ergonomic computer chair will be different from that of a gaming chair. But the main principles still remain the same.

sitting at a desk

How Should I Adjust My Ergonomic Chair

The most important thing when using ergonomic chairs is knowing how to adjust it. There are several things you need to keep in mind for proper adjustments, and they include:

Arm Rests: The level in which your arms are with the keyboard is a crucial factor when adjusting the armrest. For good healthy and comfortable sitting, your arms and the keyboard should be at 90 degrees.

Back Tilt: when do you feel comfortable while sitting on an office chair? Is it when sitting straight or leaning back? Whichever the case, you need a back tilt that will make you feel comfortable.

Height: the height of the chair should be determined by your eyes level with the top of the PC display. You should also be able to have your both feet flat on the floor, but bent roughly at a right angle when seated.

What’s The Best Ergonomic Office Chair For Me?

The definition of the term best ergonomic office chair depends on what the user wants. What you consider the best ergonomic office chair might not be good for the other person. So, how good an ergonomic chair is will depend on the user’s needs. The budget and how long they are planning to use it are also crucial considerations. Suppose you have no back problems and don’t spend too much time in the office? Well, even a cheap ergonomic chair would be perfect for you. But for those who spend most of their day in the office and suffering from back pain, they need a more complex chair.

Types Of Office Chairs

If you are planning to furnish your office with a new chair, you’ve got a vast range of office chairs to select from. Depending on the kind work you do, among other factors, here is a list of common chair types you can choose from:

Ergonomic Office Chairs

One of the best and most popular office chairs is ergonomic types. These chairs combine great design and flexibility hence ideal for an office setup. Their design is to protect users from neck and spine strains using the head, neck, and lumbar support.Our Ergo, Luminous and Hartley ergonomic chairs are among the most popular brands in Australia.

luminous office chair

Mesh Office Chairs

Mesh office chairs are good for areas with warm weather, such as the Sunshine Coast. The mesh material allows for free movement of air to keep you cool even during hot weather. The mesh material also changes shape when you sit on the chair to provide a curve that matches your spine.

hartley office chair

Executive Office Chairs

These are luxurious chairs designed for executive offices. They are padded and, most of the time, are ergonomically designed. These chairs are usually super comfortable and add a bit of opulence in your office.

boardroom chair

Leather Office Chair

This is another type of chair that brings luxury into your office. Just like the executive types, they are mostly used by bosses. They are a little bit expensive and often ergonomically designed. But, ensure you are buying quality and natural leather.

Kneeling Chairs

The kneeling chair design helps to reduce the pressure on your lower back. The chair design helps to distribute the weight onto your legs and shin. But, this type of office chair is not good for long hours sitting since it can cause back injuries.

What Is The Best Office Chair For Back Support?

The best office chair for back support offers the best ergonomic designs. It should also offer flexible adjusting of the lumbar position. A good office chair should make working in the office comfortable and pain-free. With a good office chair, you should be able to lean and move around the office without the risk of back pain.

Where To Buy An Ergonomic Office Chair?

If you’re looking for a perfect ergonomic office chair Australia, we’ve got you covered. Our experts will help you with this and much more. We ship Australia-wide.

Source: https://heightadjustableworktable.com/blogs/news/choosing-the-best-office-chair